Shooting Stars ✰

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.

Take Your Feelings Off Automatic Pilot

Many people don't know about the power of good feelings, and so their feelings are reactions or responses to what happens to them. They have put their feelings on automatic pilot, instead of deliberately taking charge of them. When something good happens, they feel bad. They don't realize that their feelings are the cause of what is happening to them. As they react with negative feelings to something that has happened, they give out more negative feelings, and they receive back more negative circumstances. They become trapped in a cycle by their own feelings. Their life goes around and around in circles not getting anywhere, like a hamster on a wheel, because they don't realize that to change their life, they must change their feeling frequency!

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matter."
-Epictetus (Greek Philosopher)

If you don't have enough money, naturally you don't feel good about money, but the money in your life will never change while you don't feel good about it. If you give out negative feelings about money, you're on a negative circumstances such as big bills or things breaking down, which are all circumstances that drain you of money. When you react with negative feelings to a big bill, you give out more negative feelings about money, which bring even more negative circumstances to you that drain you of more money.

Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you can change the way you feel. It doesn't matter what you have felt before. It doesn't matter what mistakes you think you may have made. When you change the way you feel, you are on a different frequency, and the law of attraction responds instantaneously! When you change the way you feel, the past has gone! When you change the way you feel, your life changes.

"Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself."

If You Can Feel It, You Can Receive It

Everything in the universe is magnetic and everything has a magnetic frequency. Your feelings and thoughts have magnetic frequencies too. Good feelings mean you're on a positive frequency of love. Bad feelings mean you're on a negative frequency. Whatever you feel, whether good or bad, determines your frequency, and like a magnet you attract the people, events, and circumstances that are on the same frequency!

If you are feeling enthusiastic, your frequency of enthusiasm will attract enthusiastic people, situations, and events. If you are feeling fearful, your frequency of fear will attract fearful people, situations, and events to you. You are never left in any doubt about the frequency you're on because your frequency is exactly whatever you're feeling! You can change your frequency at any time by changing how you feel, and everything around you will change because you're on a new frequency.

You can take any situation in your life, and every possible outcome of that situation can happen. Any outcome can happen because you can have any feeling about the situation!

A relationship can be on a happy, joyful, exciting, satisfying, and every good feeling frequency. A relationship can also be on a boring, frustrating, worrisome, resentful, depressing, and every bad feeling frequency. Any outcome of that relationship can happen! And the way you feel determines exactly what will happen in that relationship. Whatever feeling you are giving about the relationship is exactly what you will receive back in the relationship. If you're feeling joyful about the relationship most of the time, you're giving love, and you must receive love and joy back through that relationship because that's the frequency you're on.

"A change of feeling is a change of destiny."

Look at the list of feeling frequencies and you'll see no matter what the subject in your life, there are many different feeling frequencies. And you determine the outcome of each subject through how you feel about it!

You can feel excited, happy, joyful, hopeful, worried, fearful, or depressed about money. You can feel ecstatic, passionate, blissful, discouraged, or anxious about your health. These are all different feeling frequencies, and whatever feeling frequency you're on is what you will receive.
You may want to travel, but if you feel disappointment that you don't have the money to travel, then on the subject of travel, you are feeling disappointment. Feeling disappointment means you're on the disappointment frequency, and you will continue to receive disappointing circumstances in which you cannot travel, until you change the way you feel. The force of love will move every circumstances for you to travel, but you have to be on the good feeling frequencies to receive it.

When you change the way you feel about a situation, you are giving a different feeling, you're on a different feeling frequency, and the situation must change to mirror your new frequency, If something negative has happened in your life, you can change it. It is never too late, because you can always change the way you feel. To receive what you would love, to change anything into what you would love, no matter what the subject, all it takes is changing the way you feel!

"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."


What You Give to Others, You Give to Yourself

The most enlightment beings throughout history told us to love others. You were not told to love others just so that you would be a nice person. You were being given the secret to life! You were being given the law of attraction! When you love others, you will have an amazing life. When you love others, you will receive the life you deserve.

"Love your neighbour as yourself."

Give love to others through kindness, encouragement, support, gratitude, or any good feeling, and it comes back to you and multiplies itself, bringing love to every other area of your life, including your health, money, happiness, and carreer.

Give negativity to others, through criticism, anger, impatience, or any bad feeling, and you will receive that negativity back - guaranteed! And as the negativity comes back, it multiplies itself, attracting more negativity, which affects the rest of your life.

It's Not About the Other Person

You can tell in your relationships right now what you've been giving. If a current relationship is great, it means you are giving more love and gratitude than negativity. If a current relationship is difficult or challenging, it means you are inadvertently giving more negativity than love.

Some people think a relationship is either good or bad because of the other person, but life doesn't happen that way. You can't say to the force of love, "I will give love only when the other person gives it to me!" You can't receive anything in life unless you give it first! Whatever you give, you receive, so it's not about the other person at all: it's all about you! It's all about what you are giving and what you are feeling.

You can change any relationship right now by looking for the things you love, appreciate, and are grateful for in that person. When you make a deliberate effort to look for the things you lovemore than you notice negative things, a miracle will take place. It will appear to you as though something incredible has happened to the other person. But it's the force of love that is incredible, because it dissolves negativity, including negativity in relationships. All you have to do is harness the force of love by looking for the things you love in the person, and everything will change in the relationship!

Love Means Freedom

Now here is the tricky bit with giving love in relationships, and it's the one thing that has prevented many from receiving the life they deserve. It's only tricky because people have misunderstood what is best for another person is not giving love! Thinking you are right and another person is wrong is not giving love! Criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, or finding fault with another person is not giving love!

"Hate is not conquered by hate, Hate is conquered by love. This is a law eternal."

Giving love to other people does not mean you let people walk all over you or abuse you in any way, because that's not giving love either. Allowing another person to use you doesn't help that person, and it surely doesn't help you. Love is tough, and we learn and grow through its law, and as part of that learning we experience consequences. So it is not love to allow another person to use or abuse you. The answer is, get yourself onto the highest frequency of good feelings that you can, and the force of love will resolve the situation for you.

The Secret to Relationships

Life presents everything to you so that you can choose what you love. And part of the gift of life is that you are given all kinds of people, so you can choose what you love in those people and turn away from what you don't love. You are not meant to manufacture love for qualities in a person you don't love, but simply to turn away without giving them any feeling.

Turning away from what you don't love in someone means you're relaxed about it, and you know life is giving you a choice. It doesn't mean that you argue with them to prove they're wrong or you criticize or blame them, or that you want to change them because you think you're right. Because if you do any of these things, you are not giving love - big time!

"Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel."

When you are on a feeling frequency of love, then only people who are on the same feeling frequency as you are can come into your life.

You know some days you feel really happy, some days you feel irritated, and others you feel sad. You can be many different versions of yourself. A person ion a relationship with you can also be many versions, including happy, irritated, or sad. No doubt you will have seen them being many different versions, but every versions is still that person. When you're happy, then only the happy version of other people can come into your life. But you have to be happy to receive the happy versions of other people!

It doesn't mean you are responsible for other people's happiness, because everyone is responsible for their own lives and happiness. What it means is there's nothing else for you to do but to feel happy yourself, and the law of attraction will do the rest.

Live Your Life Right Now!

Give, and it will be returned to you. Give love and it shall return to you, give hatred and it will be return to you too. When we give out something, it will return to us more than what we have given. So, give more than 50 percents of love and you can change your life~

When you give love, it not only comes back to you as positive circumstances that you love, but as it comes back, it adds even more love and positivity to your life! The new positivity then attracts more positive things, adding even more love and positivity to your life, and so it continues. Everything is magnetic, and when something good comes to you, it magnetically attracts more good things.

You may have experienced this when you said you were having a "lucky streak" or you were "on a roll," when one good thing after another happened, and the good things just kept happening. The only reason those times occurred was because you had given out more love than negativity, and as the love returned to you, it added more love to your life, which then attracted even more good things.

You may also experienced the reverse happening when something when wrong, and then other things started going wrong one after the other.Those times happened because you gave more negativity than love, and as the negativity returned to you, it added more negativity to your life, which then attracted even more negative things.

To change your life, all you have to do is by giving more than 50 percent love through your good thoughts and good feelings. Once you giving more love than negativity, the love that comes back to you then multiplies itself by attracting more love. Suddenly you experience an acceleration and multiplication of good things!

When you wake up each morning, you are standing at the tipping point of your day. One way tips you into a wonderful day filled with good things, and the other way tips you into a day filled with problems. You are the one who determines what your day will be - by the way that you feel! Whatever you're feeling is what you're giving, and with certainty, that es exactly what you will receive back in your day, surrounding you wherever you go.

As you begin your day and you're feeling happy, while you keep feeling happy, your day will be great! But if you begin your day in a bad mood, and you do nothing to change it, your day will not be great at all.

One day of good feeling not only changes your day, it changes your tomorrow, and your life! Provided you maintain your good feelings and you go to sleep feeling good, you begin the next day with a momentum of good feelings. As you continue to feel good as much as you can, your good feelings continue to multiply by the law of attraction, and so it continues day after day, and your life gets better and better.

"Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don't rent them out to tomorrow."

There are many people don't live for today. They are completely consumed with the future. It is what you feel today that matters, because it is the only thing that determines your future. Every day is an opportunity for a new life, because every single day you stand at the tipping point of your life. And on any one day you can change the future - through the way that you feel. When you tip the balance to good feelings, the force of love will change your life so fast that you will scarcely believe it.

Your Life - Your Story

You are the author for the story of your life, so what story that you are about to tell yourself? Do you believe there are things you can do and cannot do in this story? Is that the story you are telling about yourself? Because the story is not true.

Don't listen if someone says you are less than anyone else. Don't listen if someone says you are limited in any way. Don't listen if someone says you can't do what you love to do and earn a living from it. Don't listen if someone says you can't have what you love or do what you love or be what you love. If you believe it, you put limits on yourself, but more importantly, it is not true! There is not a single thing that is too good for you, or too good to be true!

The force of love says," Whatever you give, you receive back." Does that says you're not good enough? The force of love says, " Give love for whatever you want to be, do, or have and you will receive it." Does that say you're not good enough? YOU are WORTHY and DESERVING just as you are. your are good enough now. So, write your amazing story now without putting limitation to it, because there is nothing that you cannot do, or cannot have, or cannot be.

As you begin to pay attention to your own stories and what they say about you, you will enter into the exciting process of becoming, as you should be, the author of your own life, the creator of your own possibilities. ~Mandy Aftel

PETs (Personal Emotional Trainers)

The force of love presents you with a lots of Personal Emotional Trainers that disguised as everyday people that trains you to choose love.

Some people may be soft PETs because they don't push you very hard and they're so easy to love. Some people may be tought PETs because they push you to your limits, but these are the people who are making you stronger to choose love no matter what.

PETs can use all kinds of situations and tactics to challenge you, but remember that every challenge is presented so you will choose love and turn away from negativity and blame. Some trainers may challenge you to judge them or others, but don't fall for that TRAP.
JUDGEMENT is negative, so if you can't love the good in someone or something, simply just turn away~

Some trainers may test you by provoking you to feel revenge, anger, or hatred. Turn away by looking for the things you love in life. Some trainers may even hit you with guilt, feelings of unworthiness, or fear. Don't fall for any of them, because negativity of any kind is not love.

Imagine that the people in your life as your Personal Emotional Trainers, it will help you with any difficult relationships. It's the tough trainers who make you stronger and determined to choose love no matter what, but they're also giving you a message. They're telling you that you've gotten yourself onto a negative feeling frequency - and you need to feel better to move off it! No one can come to your life and affect you negatively, unless you are already on the same negative feeling frequency. If you're on a feeling frequency of love, it won't matter how tough of negative someone is, they will not and cannot affect you!

Each person is just doing their job, just as you are doing your job of being a Personal Emotional Trainer to others. There are no enemies, there are only some great PETs, and some tough PETs who are making you Great!

For "You" =)

I'm sorry that i din't properly say sorry to you... If u have, by any chance to look at my blog again, i want to say that i am really sorry for what i have done to us.

But above of all, i wanted to say thank you for everything that we've been go through. Thanks for the sushi you made, thanks for the warms of your hug, thanks for the smile of your face, thanks for holding my hands even though i sweat so much... haha...there are many more that i have to thank you for.

Sorry that i have mess up this relationship, maybe we're just not mean to be together. But still, i wish you will have a great life ahead of you =).

May All The Best and Good Things Appears In Your Life My Friend. =)